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8.3: updateInterface Go back up one level

The second subfunction we will look at, updateInterface, uses the current selections to update the interface. This uses the structure "data" to update various parts of the interface. For this simple example this just means:

1. Update the selected item in the listbox

set( gui.ListBox, 'Value', data.SelectedDemo );

2. Update the help button label

demoName = data.DemoNames{ data.SelectedDemo };
set( gui.HelpButton, 'String', ['Help for ',demoName] );

3. Update the view panel title

set( gui.ViewPanel, 'Title', sprintf( 'Viewing: %s', demoName ) );

4. Update the ticked menu

menus = get( gui.ViewMenu, 'Children' );
set( menus, 'Checked', 'off' );
% Use the name to work out which menu item should be ticked
whichMenu = strcmpi( demoName, get( menus, 'Label' ) );
set( menus(whichMenu), 'Checked', 'on' );

In general, this update function is called whenever the underlying shared "data" structure is changed. This happens when the user clicks a button, selects a list item or a menu. Next we will look at a typical callback.

(Full source code for this application is available here: [ view | edit | run ] )

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